
Hi! Welcome to my new blog, where I will write about many things that interest me; it will mostly be about computers, Linux and board-level repairs, but I will also write about photography and my other hobbies :).
A quick introduction: I'm a senior year MSc student of Computer Science, DevOps engineer by trade and ML specialist by interest (my master's thesis is about using ML to find best coefficients for DCT matrices in JPEG). I always were a believer in FLOSS and I strongly believe that it is the future of computing. I have been working as a DevOps engineer since 2021 and have gained experience with AWS, Python and Ansible during that time. In college I was always interested in low-level systems programming and microprocessors programming, electronics and ML/AI alghoritms.
I've recently taken up a new hobby: photography, and I will be sharing my experience with it on here too.
Feel free to reach out to me using email: blog-contact(at)janota.ovh, and I hope you will find some interesting stuff here :)